
3 days in and I want to quit

I use to work for this tax team previously as a tax associate. I left the position to go to the compliance team because the job had no structure. There was either a ton of work or none. My fellow colleague who hated me (because I wouldn’t voluntarily do her work), and my boss would micro manage and throw projects at me last minute with no thought process behind them and schedule meetings with me last minute despite if I was available or not. After leaving I enjoyed my job in compliance and never regretted leaving the previous role. When a new promotion opened up on the compliance team I applied. I reached out to my previous manager for a reference and he told me about a job he had on the tax team for more money. I applied for the sake of being open minded but truly wanted the…

I use to work for this tax team previously as a tax associate. I left the position to go to the compliance team because the job had no structure. There was either a ton of work or none. My fellow colleague who hated me (because I wouldn’t voluntarily do her work), and my boss would micro manage and throw projects at me last minute with no thought process behind them and schedule meetings with me last minute despite if I was available or not.

After leaving I enjoyed my job in compliance and never regretted leaving the previous role. When a new promotion opened up on the compliance team I applied. I reached out to my previous manager for a reference and he told me about a job he had on the tax team for more money. I applied for the sake of being open minded but truly wanted the other job. After being turned down for the compliance promotion, I accepted the tax team position with hesitation based on my previous experience on the team.

Day three on the job and I regret coming back immediately. It seems like I never left this team and we started right where we left off. Colleague still won’t look or speak to me (after a year plus of no interaction), no goals or training planned, no one had requested a desk move (company policy that they are suppose to) and boss is already throwing random tasks at my like booking a flight for a company trip 3 months away when I haven’t even gotten the needed software or clearances needed for my job.

My old boss said as long as my position is open I am welcomed back. Is three days to a week to quick to resign and go back to my old position? I don’t think the pay raise is worth being miserable again.

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