
Newly hired Manager wants to fire me because my ID is expired after I’ve already been working. He has given me until Wednesday to show renewal.

For context I'm in a small town in the rural south. This means there aren't many if any helpful organizations, or not much outgoing charity by churches, and many big name businesses that are near the cities don't exist or have a limited number of branches, usually none. This is important because it makes the problem much more difficult to address. I was already hired for a new job after months of applying for jobs slowly, due to a lack of effective homeless resources in my area out of jail (Non-violent crime). I had gone through all of the process and even finished the “training” period getting to know the business and how things work. I've been officially working the job since. The original manager who lead the store was recently replaced by a new guy and he threw everything backwards. When I was hired my ID was expired, but…

For context I'm in a small town in the rural south. This means there aren't many if any helpful organizations, or not much outgoing charity by churches, and many big name businesses that are near the cities don't exist or have a limited number of branches, usually none. This is important because it makes the problem much more difficult to address.

I was already hired for a new job after months of applying for jobs slowly, due to a lack of effective homeless resources in my area out of jail (Non-violent crime). I had gone through all of the process and even finished the “training” period getting to know the business and how things work. I've been officially working the job since.

The original manager who lead the store was recently replaced by a new guy and he threw everything backwards. When I was hired my ID was expired, but it was still used along with my BC to verify my identity and get me through the background/drug test, and get me working.

This new crappy guy replacing the previous manager, had recently thrown a wrench into my employment because he wants to force me to get a non-expired ID scanned into the system, or he will terminate my employment.

I contacted above him, it took 3 days for corporate to get back to me. The Corporate/Company heads ended up saying that the Manager can create his own rules as long as it doesn't contradict the companies expectations, and also demanded me to get a renewed ID. Unhelpful unsurprisingly.

The one benefit of being in a small rural town is that you can get everything done same day most of the time at the DMV/equivalent. The one problem is that like everywhere else, renewing an ID is NOT free.

This creates several problems. One I'm homeless without money or car and was already falsely promised housing previously. The “shelter” if you can call it that, barely has any resources to help with such things. In fact, nearby districts dump their homeless here and nothing is done. So there's no help to renew the ID.

2nd, an ID Renewal (along with local penalty for how long it's been expired+same day processing) is $60. That is a pretty big chunk of change for me, who hasn't even been paid anything yet from this job.

The other issue is that I had arranged to get out of homelessness to move in with a roommate, but this new offer was contingent on getting this job and paying a small percentage of the rent. That would be impossible if I lose the job.

They gave me a deadline for this Tuesday, or no more job. Waiting for corporate wasted a lot of time unnecessarily.

I'm stumped on what to do here. I have until Tuesday to renew my ID but can't afford to do it because this new manager decided to be an asshole and change the rules AFTER I WAS ALREADY HIRED. How am I supposed to pay the $60 renewal fee? I'm in a place with little resources. I tried Credit/loan but was rejected, it's hard enough to find jobs out here, now I'm facing several lost opportunities if I don't figure this out.

Meanwhile, new managers who are swapped in can rug pull already hired employees with this threat. I'm a nervous wreck right now because it took forever to get this job, and I can't afford to lose it.

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