
DOL Hearing

I was recently terminated from my job for excessive absences, most of which I had doctor notes for due to frequent colds and my subsequent asthma flare-ups. I was able to obtain unemployment benefits a month ago, however I just received a notice from DOL that my previous employer is now contesting my eligibility for benefits. Included with the letter from my previous employer is an affidavit from my former supervisor claiming that I was given a warning for excessive call outs – which is false as I had never had any warning and I have tons of text messages where he’s always been super friendly and just said to feel better. Their other argument is that I signed the employee handbook which of course states that I can be fired for any reason. I have access to all my doctor visit summaries and return to work notes. Additionally, I…

I was recently terminated from my job for excessive absences, most of which I had doctor notes for due to frequent colds and my subsequent asthma flare-ups. I was able to obtain unemployment benefits a month ago, however I just received a notice from DOL that my previous employer is now contesting my eligibility for benefits. Included with the letter from my previous employer is an affidavit from my former supervisor claiming that I was given a warning for excessive call outs – which is false as I had never had any warning and I have tons of text messages where he’s always been super friendly and just said to feel better. Their other argument is that I signed the employee handbook which of course states that I can be fired for any reason. I have access to all my doctor visit summaries and return to work notes. Additionally, I don’t have access to my work emails where all other requested time off was approved, where they seem to imply that it was not approved. Is this something I should lawyer up for?

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