
Stop letting your job use fear to control you

Jobs use fear ( fear of being fired, not promoted, no raise) to control you. All these things are valid concerns , however you can’t let that control you. The worst possible thing that can happen is death and that will eventually happen anyway. While it’s completely normal and understandable to let these fears dictate your decisions you also need to Stick up for yourself and stop living on your knees. You may not own the company but you own yourself and should prioritize yourself accordingly. Again, I understand the dynamics as I experience them daily just as you all do but i think we should all stand tall and stop putting ourselves in a position of weakness. Speak your truth, do what is best for you and tell that person who keeps bothering you at work to fuck off. (But Be smart about it)

Jobs use fear ( fear of being fired, not promoted, no raise) to control you. All these things are valid concerns , however you can’t let that control you. The worst possible thing that can happen is death and that will eventually happen anyway. While it’s completely normal and understandable to let these fears dictate your decisions you also need to Stick up for yourself and stop living on your knees. You may not own the company but you own yourself and should prioritize yourself accordingly. Again, I understand the dynamics as I experience them daily just as you all do but i think we should all stand tall and stop putting ourselves in a position of weakness. Speak your truth, do what is best for you and tell that person who keeps bothering you at work to fuck off. (But Be smart about it)

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