
Visually impaired, supervisor suggested have I tried just not being blind after rejecting my accommodation request

Literally just went through a pretty dehumanizing situation at work yesterday. I have visual problems and am legally blind. My glasses broke. Asked my sup if there was any screen reading software I could use because I could not see the text, got told no, no other accommodation was offered. Asked if I would get points for not coming in because I literally cannot see and need to wait for a new pair to come in. They literally told me “well I can just walk into a dollar store and get a pair of reading glasses so really there’s no excuse as to why you can’t come in.” “You not being able to see is a you problem not a company problem.” Said okay but I literally cannot just walk into a $ store because TLDR my eyes are fucked (cataracts, inflamed optic nerve, macular degeneration, myopia, astigmatism, strabismus, presbyopia,…

Literally just went through a pretty dehumanizing situation at work yesterday. I have visual problems and am legally blind. My glasses broke. Asked my sup if there was any screen reading software I could use because I could not see the text, got told no, no other accommodation was offered. Asked if I would get points for not coming in because I literally cannot see and need to wait for a new pair to come in.

They literally told me “well I can just walk into a dollar store and get a pair of reading glasses so really there’s no excuse as to why you can’t come in.” “You not being able to see is a you problem not a company problem.” Said okay but I literally cannot just walk into a $ store because TLDR my eyes are fucked (cataracts, inflamed optic nerve, macular degeneration, myopia, astigmatism, strabismus, presbyopia, etc) and don’t carry the rx I need.

Anyways I tried coming in anyways to take calls and surprise surprise I couldn’t fucking read. Sup tries calling me out in chat likeWHY DO YOU KEEP GOING QUIET. Already said I literally cannot see. Ended up sending me home. I don’t really understand the point in doing any of that other than to try and embarrass me? Lmao

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