
Getting Charged Back Vacation Time?

I recently told my boss I am quitting my job to move to a different state as my fiance got a job on the other side of the country. I asked if I get paid back my unused sick days and he said no, but actually we'll charge your last pay check for vacation days that you didn't accrue. I worked for a full year at this job and only have 2 weeks of PTO. I know PA is a shitty state that doesn't care about this but I feel as if it's insane to make me pay back 33% of my vacation days. Not asking for advice, just venting.

I recently told my boss I am quitting my job to move to a different state as my fiance got a job on the other side of the country. I asked if I get paid back my unused sick days and he said no, but actually we'll charge your last pay check for vacation days that you didn't accrue. I worked for a full year at this job and only have 2 weeks of PTO. I know PA is a shitty state that doesn't care about this but I feel as if it's insane to make me pay back 33% of my vacation days. Not asking for advice, just venting.

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