
This is what my friend typed up after I told them to tell me what I should post for them on reddit

“So, I originally joined Kwik Trip thinking that I would be working overnights. They kept “training” me and then made the decision that I “wasn't ready” and decided to keep me on dayside. Overnight people get 20/hr. Dayside gets 17. Then, because I have to walk to work and while it's close but not THAT close. Sometimes I'm late, not by very much unless I oversleep which working 8 hour shifts will do that. So that, coupled with the Dread of working in a quite Conservative workplace where you LITERALLY have to fake being nice is VERY tiring for someone like me with an ASD” – my friend Budgeting is hard and the money runs out at around the same speed as without budgeting and they have a lot of other things going on interpersonally so considerate, specific, help is appreciated

“So, I originally joined Kwik Trip thinking that I would be working overnights. They kept “training” me and then made the decision that I “wasn't ready” and decided to keep me on dayside. Overnight people get 20/hr. Dayside gets 17. Then, because I have to walk to work and while it's close but not THAT close. Sometimes I'm late, not by very much unless I oversleep which working 8 hour shifts will do that. So that, coupled with the Dread of working in a quite Conservative workplace where you LITERALLY have to fake being nice is VERY tiring for someone like me with an ASD” – my friend

Budgeting is hard and the money runs out at around the same speed as without budgeting and they have a lot of other things going on interpersonally so considerate, specific, help is appreciated

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