
Don’t give me an interview if I’m not a real candidate.

I work at a midsized organization. A position opened up and the company advertised it for internal hires only. Sounds great, I'm interested in the work, it would be a promotion, and a 25% pay bump. My boss's boss tells me to apply and that I would be a good fit. I am one of four applicants. If I'm being honest probably the third most qualified of those who applied. The top two have their interviews with the head of my organization and the number two and the head and number two of the organization this position would be directly working with. My interview comes around, it's just the boss for my organization and the number two from the partner organization. They come in unprepared, it seems like they haven't read any of my documents. Its a waste of my time, their time and so disrespectful. If I'm not going…

I work at a midsized organization. A position opened up and the company advertised it for internal hires only. Sounds great, I'm interested in the work, it would be a promotion, and a 25% pay bump. My boss's boss tells me to apply and that I would be a good fit. I am one of four applicants. If I'm being honest probably the third most qualified of those who applied. The top two have their interviews with the head of my organization and the number two and the head and number two of the organization this position would be directly working with.
My interview comes around, it's just the boss for my organization and the number two from the partner organization. They come in unprepared, it seems like they haven't read any of my documents. Its a waste of my time, their time and so disrespectful. If I'm not going to be considered don't go through the motions, it's insulting. No one wants a pity interview.

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