
Flying out of my province for a job interview that I have no salary details on. Flipped it and reversed it into ghosting them.

F35, married, 1 child who is 16. I got shortlisted for a position in a fairly niche field in a my industry. I have a job history that allows me to fulfil a role in operations and risk management as I’ve worked on most levels in my industry and I usually know how things work on a day to day level, that often gets overlooked when C Suite decides to implement a grandiose plan. I am (was) one of 3 candidates. I live out of the province that the office is in, and would be setting up new systems and processes, which would mean at least 6 months on site. Perfectly ok with this, I’d commute and my family is on board. However, I suggested a screening interview via teams because I did not know if I’d be a fit for the management team, they’re guys my age and I…

F35, married, 1 child who is 16.
I got shortlisted for a position in a fairly niche field in a my industry. I have a job history that allows me to fulfil a role in operations and risk management as I’ve worked on most levels in my industry and I usually know how things work on a day to day level, that often gets overlooked when C Suite decides to implement a grandiose plan.
I am (was) one of 3 candidates.
I live out of the province that the office is in, and would be setting up new systems and processes, which would mean at least 6 months on site. Perfectly ok with this, I’d commute and my family is on board.
However, I suggested a screening interview via teams because I did not know if I’d be a fit for the management team, they’re guys my age and I also want to get a feel for them. Bear in mind that I’d be in charge of reducing their company’s risk exposure, so acting recklessly would be an action I’d think they’d avoid.
Initially this was no problem, but then it changed to me having to attend on site. I must fly at my own cost. This is a slightly weird request for me, but apparently they interview by observation (probably a days free labour).

I decide that it’s worth a shot, but I need to know the compensation beforehand, because I’ve just finished a rigorous MBA and I don’t earn badly as it is. It’s a sacrifice I’m making to work out of province and I need to know. Remember, they want me.

This is where the stupid emails start. I ask again what the compensation is.
“Market related”.
“All candidates will receive the same offer”
“Cannot divulge this info”.

Where I live companies try to use their HR to hire internally but these consultants are very often inexperienced and do not have the information themselves.

This would be at higher management level and I don’t have time to be dicked around. I stopped engaging after the 3rd email and have now ghosted them. I received two more calls this week that I ignored and an email asking if I will be making it and I’m not going to reply.

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