
I feel like I don’t know how to work and I don’t care anymore

I used to work as an organic chemist, but it turns out I hated it. 11 years of my life wasted, getting exposed to things working in labs that did not have their shit together in terms of safety. I left that field during the pandemic. Now I work in healthcare getting patients' information into the system, verifying insurance and the like. It is a shit-show, incompetent management, policies that put us in danger, crazy PTO expectations… like even putting in for it 6 months ahead of time doesn't mean you will get it. And the icing on the cake, co-workers getting fired over what should be legitimate FLMA claims. I hate it. I hate working for other people. I have no savings, right now I am wondering if I buy nothing for 2 weeks when my next paycheck comes will I have enough for rent? I look at job…

I used to work as an organic chemist, but it turns out I hated it. 11 years of my life wasted, getting exposed to things working in labs that did not have their shit together in terms of safety. I left that field during the pandemic.
Now I work in healthcare getting patients' information into the system, verifying insurance and the like. It is a shit-show, incompetent management, policies that put us in danger, crazy PTO expectations… like even putting in for it 6 months ahead of time doesn't mean you will get it. And the icing on the cake, co-workers getting fired over what should be legitimate FLMA claims.

I hate it. I hate working for other people. I have no savings, right now I am wondering if I buy nothing for 2 weeks when my next paycheck comes will I have enough for rent? I look at job sites, nothing is appealing to me, nothing seems to have any goddamn meaning or the descriptions are so vague I cannot even make heads or tails of what the job actually is.

I am so tired, I just want rest and to not force myself out of bed every day to do something I don't want to so other people can make a bunch of money.

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