
Having to get Wage and Hour involved.

I'm so tired of companies 'forgetting' to pay their employees. Wage and Hour is barely helpful in these matters. Contacted W/H after three months of not receiving a paycheck from Red Robin for working a shift at minimum wage. In my state, the company is allowed to keep the money if they successfully avoid you for a year. There's no getting the money back. This is the third time in my life that I've not received pay for work done. I finally got a response from W/H saying to go pick up my check. “Where?” I asked. “Do I go to the state W/H office or go to Red Robin?” They replied “It's at Red Robin.” So I go there. Had to get three separate managers before the GM came up; who was the only one who knew anything. First thing I said was “I need my check.” I had…

I'm so tired of companies 'forgetting' to pay their employees. Wage and Hour is barely helpful in these matters. Contacted W/H after three months of not receiving a paycheck from Red Robin for working a shift at minimum wage.

In my state, the company is allowed to keep the money if they successfully avoid you for a year. There's no getting the money back. This is the third time in my life that I've not received pay for work done.

I finally got a response from W/H saying to go pick up my check. “Where?” I asked. “Do I go to the state W/H office or go to Red Robin?” They replied “It's at Red Robin.” So I go there.

Had to get three separate managers before the GM came up; who was the only one who knew anything. First thing I said was “I need my check.” I had told four separate people my name and that I was here for my check. “Whoa whoa whoa slow down. Let's just start from the beginning here.” He tried to say. I shut him down quick by saying “No, I need my check. My name is twelvebucksagram and I've been waiting for three months. W/H said it was here.” He left to go get my check. A different manager handed it to me. “Thank you!” and I left.

This is abysmal. W/H does not give the company any fine; nor backpay to me for waiting an egregious amount of time for my check. But if I stole money; I'd get thrown in prison and have to pay it back with a fine. I'm so sick of companies always having the upper hand in these situations. I just want to be paid the measly amount. Minimum wage is telling me “Hey if I could pay you less, I would, but I'm not legally allowed.”

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