
Job gave me my last spoken warning and wrote me up

A bit of context my boss has been trying for the last three months to find any reason to fire me. He was saying I don't shower, I dont comply with the dress code when he didn't inform me about it. ie: Not wearing jewelry, masks, necklaces, sunglasses or make up at work. But, not holding people he likes to the same standards. It's unfortunate to say that working at this job feels like there's a huge target on my back. Because, of my gender none conformity. I'm mab nonebinary and make up is how I feel confident and he hates that I'm wearing it when his other employees wear heavy heavy make up. Not to mention that during December he threatened us with a hammer if we slack off stating “you better work or I'll hit you with this hammer.” (Boss). That is threatening employees he has yet to…

A bit of context my boss has been trying for the last three months to find any reason to fire me. He was saying I don't shower, I dont comply with the dress code when he didn't inform me about it. ie: Not wearing jewelry, masks, necklaces, sunglasses or make up at work. But, not holding people he likes to the same standards.

It's unfortunate to say that working at this job feels like there's a huge target on my back. Because, of my gender none conformity. I'm mab nonebinary and make up is how I feel confident and he hates that I'm wearing it when his other employees wear heavy heavy make up. Not to mention that during December he threatened us with a hammer if we slack off stating “you better work or I'll hit you with this hammer.” (Boss). That is threatening employees he has yet to apologize. The boss even admitted to being racist when he said “I don't want methican Americans working here.” (Boss). He also said “I hate black people.” (Boss).

To wrap this up, my boss is a power hungry tirant that doesn't fire employees that sexually harass employees that work at stores. Does not fire people for being a Nazi on Facebook and harassing employees off the job or getting drunk on the job. But targets gender none conforming people for policies he doesn't inform anyone about and has the audacity to say that one of his employees doesn't shower. I shower everyday.

Ps: There's a lot of emotions in this post because feels like he should be firing the people drinking and sexually assaulting people. Rather then someone wearing eye liner and masks. Tbh it's been kinda feeling like discrimination.

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