
Getting my manager fired over his social media posts?

We got a new manager a few months ago, you know the story – he’s cutting bonuses for extra shifts, writing up over 50% of the staff within the first two months as some sort of power play, promising people promotions and hiring outside staff instead, constantly “forgetting” to add overtime shifts to our paychecks so we have to wait until the next pay period, etc. He’s created an awful atmosphere in general and many of our best people have already left or are on their way out. Since he’s directly fucking with our livelihoods, is it possible to return the favor? I found a post on his Facebook from a while back with a picture of a shirt that says “love thy racist neighbor” (search “Khloe Kardashian love thy neighbor shirt” if you want to see it). Is this enough to get him fired? Also, over 50% of his…

We got a new manager a few months ago, you know the story – he’s cutting bonuses for extra shifts, writing up over 50% of the staff within the first two months as some sort of power play, promising people promotions and hiring outside staff instead, constantly “forgetting” to add overtime shifts to our paychecks so we have to wait until the next pay period, etc. He’s created an awful atmosphere in general and many of our best people have already left or are on their way out. Since he’s directly fucking with our livelihoods, is it possible to return the favor?

I found a post on his Facebook from a while back with a picture of a shirt that says “love thy racist neighbor” (search “Khloe Kardashian love thy neighbor shirt” if you want to see it). Is this enough to get him fired? Also, over 50% of his Facebook posts show him holding/drinking some sort of alcohol; could that be helpful? Would it be more effective to anonymously post a printout of the shirt picture in the break room to stoke the fires of rebellion instead of going to his boss or HR?

Probably just grasping at straws here, but it does feel good to at least attempt to fight back

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