
My coworker’s girlfriend tested positive for COVID, and our work is asking him to come in

We work in a warehouse, but our office space is very close quarters. My coworker spends 60% of his time inside sitting less than a foot away from me. What makes matters worse is our company no longer does COVID pay (nor do we get sick time). Besides the complete negligence from upper management, I have a vacation coming up next weekend where we were supposed to meet up with family I haven’t seen since before 2020. Most of them are high risk so now I have to consider if I should even go. I’m not shocked they are pushing him to come in considering the branch is about to go under due to turnover. Shot in the dark, but can we challenge our branch management to make accommodations to quarantine him since they are essentially forcing his hand so he’ll come in? We’re located in Texas so absolutely not…

We work in a warehouse, but our office space is very close quarters. My coworker spends 60% of his time inside sitting less than a foot away from me. What makes matters worse is our company no longer does COVID pay (nor do we get sick time).

Besides the complete negligence from upper management, I have a vacation coming up next weekend where we were supposed to meet up with family I haven’t seen since before 2020. Most of them are high risk so now I have to consider if I should even go. I’m not shocked they are pushing him to come in considering the branch is about to go under due to turnover.

Shot in the dark, but can we challenge our branch management to make accommodations to quarantine him since they are essentially forcing his hand so he’ll come in? We’re located in Texas so absolutely not an employee friendly state, but I’m fired up over this. A good portion of our coworkers are in their 50-60s, so I’m worried about them too.

It seems like a low chance, but god damn I’d love to do something that will just eat up their time.

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