
Employers are disgusting.

I've been in the dealership parts / auto parts industry for 13+ years. Finally scored a manager position at a major aftermarket auto parts supplier (think O'Reilly or Advance Auto, along those lines.) Just to set the scene, I am the sole breadwinner in my family. My wife suffers from a bad case of fibromyalgia and can't work, but of course the govt doesn't see it as a disability, despite the fact she can't walk more than 20 feet without exhaustion and doing light chores at home is all she can handle, so no assistance there. I myself have been diabetic since age 3, a federally recognized disability, but I can work, so I can't get assistance either. We can't afford a home, our credit is wrecked from the last two years of going into debt trying to stay afloat, so we can't get an apartment either. We live in…

I've been in the dealership parts / auto parts industry for 13+ years. Finally scored a manager position at a major aftermarket auto parts supplier (think O'Reilly or Advance Auto, along those lines.)

Just to set the scene, I am the sole breadwinner in my family. My wife suffers from a bad case of fibromyalgia and can't work, but of course the govt doesn't see it as a disability, despite the fact she can't walk more than 20 feet without exhaustion and doing light chores at home is all she can handle, so no assistance there. I myself have been diabetic since age 3, a federally recognized disability, but I can work, so I can't get assistance either.

We can't afford a home, our credit is wrecked from the last two years of going into debt trying to stay afloat, so we can't get an apartment either. We live in an RV.

The manager who hired me supposedly had plans for my training as I'd be a new manager and new to the company.

Lo and behold, I accept, and so it begins. My boss resigns and another takes over. I fall through the cracks. I am given 1.5 days of training and thrown into managing the store. Turns out, the store doesn't even have AC, and ladies and gents, this is in Tucson AZ.. so 90 degrees and humid inside all day.

I've been holding this place together by the skin of my teeth for almost two months with no training, and am at my limit. I go days without sleep. I can't relax at home, I just worry about work all the time, and on top of it I suffer from depression and anxiety.

I asked for training and it doesn't come. My entire time here has been putting out fires and trying to somehow mash together a productive day however I can. Every week a new crisis. But I can't take it anymore. I told my boss I wanted to step back from management and he freaked out because they're short handed.

Not my problem. The guy who hired me had actual plans. To set me up at the lowest position for two weeks to get up to speed, before setting me up as assistant manager for a couple weeks, before letting me fully take over. The new guy? 1.5 days of training and good luck to you.

So, now, I clock in. Sit at my desk. Do the bare minimum. I sit on the indeed app in my phone and get paid to job hunt. I go home early. I also use my $50,000 limit company credit card to order my entire store $100-200 lunches several times a week and keep the fridge loaded with drinks due to the heat. If I had the ability I'd give everyone $5/hr raises on my way out the door, but alas that has to go thru two people above me.

Fuck this company, fuck this economy, and fuck capitalism

I just want to go to Lowe's, buy spray paint, and start tagging every overpass in Tucson with “UNIONIZE AND EAT THE RICH.” And I don't feel that far off from doing it.

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