
Another sob story about American work

Hey all. Don't think I'm really looking for assistance, just need to put my experience out there. After the pandemic and getting my degree, I got employed at my first Big Boy job. It was a lot of work and there was a ton expected of me but I kind of shrugged it off considering I was getting paid magnitudes more than I ever had been. About a year into my time at this position, it's clear that the toll that the job has on me is quite significant, and with my disabilities, the stress was compounding and doing significant harm to me. After a few months of back and forth regarding what to do about this with my then boss, I was asked to look into FMLA accommodations by my HR. After we had gone through all the hoops and sorted things out with my boss and in the…

Hey all. Don't think I'm really looking for assistance, just need to put my experience out there.

After the pandemic and getting my degree, I got employed at my first Big Boy job. It was a lot of work and there was a ton expected of me but I kind of shrugged it off considering I was getting paid magnitudes more than I ever had been. About a year into my time at this position, it's clear that the toll that the job has on me is quite significant, and with my disabilities, the stress was compounding and doing significant harm to me. After a few months of back and forth regarding what to do about this with my then boss, I was asked to look into FMLA accommodations by my HR.

After we had gone through all the hoops and sorted things out with my boss and in the other departments, all I had left to do was get a note from my doctor which would then give me three months off without question. They give me a few weeks to get the note which was fine at the time, I didn't really consider that it was 4th of July weekend and that it would be kind of hard to get some of the forms filled out over then but I didn't really worry, I was close with the doctor and the office and I knew they would get it done by a deadline if and when we set it. I did let my doctor know ahead of time that it was very important that this was done on time but not to worry because we have plenty of time for it to get done. She assured me it would be sent off in time.

Jump cut to a few weeks into my “3 month FMLA leave” and I get a call from my HR, informing me that, as a result of failing to submit proper documentation (which is the first I was hearing of this,) that I was willingly alerting them that I would no longer be working with them, and that I need to collect my things.

They called ME to inform ME that I was telling them I would not like to work with them any longer.

I'm now approaching the third month of what should have been my 3 months of FMLA leave, I've still not recovered from the year of suffering that that job has caused me, and will be taking steps to try and secure SSDI or SSI.

Your job does not care about you. Your job does not want what's best for you. Your job does not want a family or a community, they want complacent workers

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