
My gf got her offer rescinded?!?

I am just so annoyed, my girlfriend has been on the job search for a few months now. She had a second interview on Thursday and was offered a position with great pay and benefits (not amazing, but better than her current employer). Over the weekend the company just decided that they don’t want her? How is that possible? We are in a lesbian relationship and live in small town Ohio, please tell me that can’t be a reason to rescind an offer?!?

I am just so annoyed, my girlfriend has been on the job search for a few months now. She had a second interview on Thursday and was offered a position with great pay and benefits (not amazing, but better than her current employer). Over the weekend the company just decided that they don’t want her? How is that possible?

We are in a lesbian relationship and live in small town Ohio, please tell me that can’t be a reason to rescind an offer?!?

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