
I’ve had a change of heart re: Management

So I’ve (49m) always had the view that I’d never want to be a manager or supervisor as my experience of people who end up in those roles has rarely been good. I’ve always been the type of worker that when I’ve realised I’ve got to do extra work on something due to someone else’s fk up, I’ll only tell the person who fked up, politely and discreetly. That way they know how to not make the mistake again but nobody else needs to know as I’m not trying to get anyone sacked. I know this isn’t the norm as most times I’ve had to say something I’ve had to them reassure the co-worker that I’m not pushed off and theirs no need for any grovelling apologies, mistakes happen. I’ve got a lot of empathy and have made occasional errors myself so wouldn’t haul someone over the coals for a…

So I’ve (49m) always had the view that I’d never want to be a manager or supervisor as my experience of people who end up in those roles has rarely been good.

I’ve always been the type of worker that when I’ve realised I’ve got to do extra work on something due to someone else’s fk up, I’ll only tell the person who fked up, politely and discreetly. That way they know how to not make the mistake again but nobody else needs to know as I’m not trying to get anyone sacked. I know this isn’t the norm as most times I’ve had to say something I’ve had to them reassure the co-worker that I’m not pushed off and theirs no need for any grovelling apologies, mistakes happen. I’ve got a lot of empathy and have made occasional errors myself so wouldn’t haul someone over the coals for a mistake.

More recently though, I’ve come round to the way of thinking that I’d rather I was the manager than the fucking useless myopic brain dead clueless impractical closed minded low IQ w️s I have to put up with on a daily basis. They insist on things being done their way despite never having actually done the job themselves so have no idea how it could be done better and dismiss suggestions on improving not just our working practices but the product we are producing.

Anyone else feel the same?

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