
Sick of showing up to interviews where no one expects me.

I was scheduled a second interview for today for a well known northern NY retail company. The first interview I had with them, no one even knew I was coming. There wasn't even a manager there to interview me. Now I just got done with a second interview (different store this time, same company) and there WASN'T A FUCKING MANAGER THERE TO INTERVIEW ME THIS TIME EITHER. No one even knew that I was coming. I followed the HR lady's directions, I went to the right store, asked for the right guy. Lo and behold, he wasn't there. “He left hours ago” they told me. Okay, well my interview was scheduled for 1pm so what are we going to do? Oh great, I get an impromptu interview with some jackass “team lead”. This dude has no interest in interviewing me, I can just tell by his demeanor and the way…

I was scheduled a second interview for today for a well known northern NY retail company. The first interview I had with them, no one even knew I was coming. There wasn't even a manager there to interview me. Now I just got done with a second interview (different store this time, same company) and there WASN'T A FUCKING MANAGER THERE TO INTERVIEW ME THIS TIME EITHER. No one even knew that I was coming. I followed the HR lady's directions, I went to the right store, asked for the right guy. Lo and behold, he wasn't there. “He left hours ago” they told me. Okay, well my interview was scheduled for 1pm so what are we going to do? Oh great, I get an impromptu interview with some jackass “team lead”. This dude has no interest in interviewing me, I can just tell by his demeanor and the way he keeps scolding me for interrupting his day. And what's with repeating the same questions while using different sentencing structures? I hate to sound like a broken record but the man is literally asking me the same questions, just with different words. How fucking out of touch are the people that run these shit shows? How can a multi-million dollar company lack so much communication skills? Why did I waste my time shaving, dressing nicely, driving 20 minutes through busy traffic on my fucking day off, just to stand up front for 10 minutes looking like a moron while these assholes run around and try to find a “suitable” person to interview me who should not have been conducting the interview with me in the first place? What a shit show.

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