
I can’t work here anymore

I’ve been at this place for 4 months. It’s a family run law firm by a husband and wife, and I just can’t be here anymore. Their motto is that being hard on you is the only way for you to learn. They don’t speak to us with respect, and give us an occasional free meal to compensate for the verbal abuse. My first few weeks here, I was in constant fear of being verbally chewed out by the lawyer for little mistakes in my memos. He’s an old man who says one thing, and when you do it, he forgets he asked for it in the first place and makes you change it. It also doesn’t help that both him and his wife are horribly rude people. She is passive aggressive and makes you feel dumb for asking questions. I asked ONE clarifying question to the lawyers wife today…

I’ve been at this place for 4 months. It’s a family run law firm by a husband and wife, and I just can’t be here anymore.

Their motto is that being hard on you is the only way for you to learn. They don’t speak to us with respect, and give us an occasional free meal to compensate for the verbal abuse. My first few weeks here, I was in constant fear of being verbally chewed out by the lawyer for little mistakes in my memos. He’s an old man who says one thing, and when you do it, he forgets he asked for it in the first place and makes you change it. It also doesn’t help that both him and his wife are horribly rude people. She is passive aggressive and makes you feel dumb for asking questions.

I asked ONE clarifying question to the lawyers wife today because her and her husband were both giving me different instructions and then her husband calls and tells me that his wife said I’m still confused… when I JUST had a good conversation with her and told her I now understand the task.

I just know they talk shit about me and my coworker. They also abuse my coworker sometimes and make him feel terrible for his work. Even a small mistake like forgetting to cite where something is from means a long lecture of him telling us that he doesn’t need us if we’ll waste his time. I think I’m done, I was going to ask for a recommendation letter but screw that. I can’t do this.

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