
What would you do in my situation

So recently I was transferred to another position in the company that I work for without any input on my part. I was working a 50 hour week for a boss that I can't stand and it was physically demanding. I now work for a much laid back boss in a job that is definitely more mentally taxing but it's only 40 hours a week. The one thing trying to work out is that the lose of overtime has made a huge impact to what I make as I still make the same hourly rate. I also have the feeling of the company not really caring about how it affects me, which doesn't shock me. I really like what I'm doing now and I know that I probably can't find a job doing the same thing as a beginner making what I'm making now. I have a lot of applications…

So recently I was transferred to another position in the company that I work for without any input on my part. I was working a 50 hour week for a boss that I can't stand and it was physically demanding. I now work for a much laid back boss in a job that is definitely more mentally taxing but it's only 40 hours a week. The one thing trying to work out is that the lose of overtime has made a huge impact to what I make as I still make the same hourly rate. I also have the feeling of the company not really caring about how it affects me, which doesn't shock me. I really like what I'm doing now and I know that I probably can't find a job doing the same thing as a beginner making what I'm making now. I have a lot of applications out now for jobs that would bring me close to what I was making before working 40 hours but I'm not sure that I will like them as much. Honestly I'm leaning heavily towards leaving, which I think is what the company I work for wants since they didn't have anything to fire me for, but I also feel like I'm losing a decent opportunity. What would you do?

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