
I’m glad I left my last job

I was severely underpaid. They kept me as an intern for an ENTIRE YEAR. And there wasn't anyone who could replace me. I am at the very least a very good 3D artist. They didn't have any one else to do what I did, nor could they find one. They paid me 20k a month as an intern and every time I brought up employment they kept talking about how the company is reorganizing and not hiring and this and that, while they literally hired new designers in my same team, and other departments as well. Fast forward to September last year I got hired and the salary was… Saddening. It said thag my monthly income was just 27k before deductions, and the HR talked like I was dispensable when I asked for a proper pay. When I asked how much I'd get after deductions, she kept avoiding the question.…

I was severely underpaid. They kept me as an intern for an ENTIRE YEAR. And there wasn't anyone who could replace me. I am at the very least a very good 3D artist. They didn't have any one else to do what I did, nor could they find one. They paid me 20k a month as an intern and every time I brought up employment they kept talking about how the company is reorganizing and not hiring and this and that, while they literally hired new designers in my same team, and other departments as well.

Fast forward to September last year I got hired and the salary was… Saddening. It said thag my monthly income was just 27k before deductions, and the HR talked like I was dispensable when I asked for a proper pay. When I asked how much I'd get after deductions, she kept avoiding the question. Turned out I got to take home a mere 24k. My house rent alone was 22k. I was so depressed, I lost all motivation to work there, atarted working less hours, showing up late, and taking more leaves. I burned through all my savings the one year and three months I was there. I quit the job in December, and I'm glad I did. But looking back, it just makes me sad.

EDIT: I'm a freelancer now, but still actively looking for new employment and opportunities. The company couldn't find another 3D artist half as good as me, and 8 months later, they're planning to let go of the ones they hired due to quality of work and competency, and dissolve the 3D team that they made me build and lead for cheap.

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