
My work is asking me to go by a different name. Is this legal?

So I (23F) work for a relatively small, very niche engineering firm. I was hired in the spring to be basically everything from the first point of contact for current and potential clients (in person, over the phone, and the internet) and also do a ton of miscellaneous duties, everything from office supplies and setting up email addresses and stocking the kitchen, to planning events and serving as a quasi assistant to our director and three other executives. It’s a ton of work, I basically live at the office. But I’m young, single, and had no problem jumping in with both feet. The pay isn’t amazing but it’s ok and it helps that we do very interesting work and I’ve been hoping it could be a stepping stone into what I actually want to be doing with my life. That is until this morning when I got called into the…

So I (23F) work for a relatively small, very niche engineering firm. I was hired in the spring to be basically everything from the first point of contact for current and potential clients (in person, over the phone, and the internet) and also do a ton of miscellaneous duties, everything from office supplies and setting up email addresses and stocking the kitchen, to planning events and serving as a quasi assistant to our director and three other executives. It’s a ton of work, I basically live at the office. But I’m young, single, and had no problem jumping in with both feet. The pay isn’t amazing but it’s ok and it helps that we do very interesting work and I’ve been hoping it could be a stepping stone into what I actually want to be doing with my life.

That is until this morning when I got called into the director’s office and a rep from our contracted HR firm (whom I had never met in person til this moment) and another vice-president (also female) sat me down to discuss some negative comments they’ve been getting from our clients. Well, to cut to the chase it was actually ONE POTENTIAL client who we aren’t even working with yet but they made a disparaging comment to one of the VPs about my name. My name being a more traditional female name that has, much to my dismay, become synonymous with a racist middle aged white woman. Trust me, I hate that this has happened but I was named after my late grandmother, a wonderful woman who I was very close with. I have always loved my name until very recently.

Anyway, my work wants me to go by the name Katie now. Which is not my name. It’s not even my middle name. The director mumbled something about how Katie has been researched as being the most likable girl name or something since my birth name is now apparently so problematic. I even suggested going by “K” instead of my full name but they all shut that down immediately.

Am I nuts and being unreasonable? Is this even legal? I can’t help but feel a little humiliated by the whole thing.

They really pressured me in the meeting “to be a team player” and “you’ve been so great, this is the first issue we’ve had with you” so I reluctantly agreed but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it.

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