
I feel gaslit.

I work adjunct remotely for a small community college. The last email I received from the department was May 12th thanking me for turning in my grades. The semester started Monday, and I have received not one email, or phone call, or text message. I sent an email on Monday morning asking if they still needed my services or should I assume I was relieved of duty without notice, and have received no reply. What I did receive, 5 hours after the email was sent, was a notice that a digital course had been created. So not only do I NOT have confirmation if I'm teaching or not, I have a course they are expecting me to set up. I guess in case they have the enrollment they won't confirm with me? I don't work for free, no confirmation, no teaching. It's called basic professionalism.

I work adjunct remotely for a small community college. The last email I received from the department was May 12th thanking me for turning in my grades. The semester started Monday, and I have received not one email, or phone call, or text message. I sent an email on Monday morning asking if they still needed my services or should I assume I was relieved of duty without notice, and have received no reply. What I did receive, 5 hours after the email was sent, was a notice that a digital course had been created. So not only do I NOT have confirmation if I'm teaching or not, I have a course they are expecting me to set up. I guess in case they have the enrollment they won't confirm with me? I don't work for free, no confirmation, no teaching. It's called basic professionalism.

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