
HR is paying me less than a third of the salary

I'm an international engineering student doing a two-month voluntary internship at a Fortune 500 company. They promised a 10,000 monthly salary for voluntary interns, which is significantly higher than the 2,500 typically paid to compulsory interns. However, after the first month, I only received 2,500. I reached out to HR, and they claimed they couldn't offer voluntary internships to foreign students. Despite showing evidence of the initial offer, they registered me as a compulsory intern. The HR person who promised to correct this situation left the company, and my salary issue remains unresolved. Living in an expensive city on 2,500 is tough, and it's affecting my well-being. I've invested time in this company with hopes of future employment, which is essential as I need a job to stay in the country after graduation. Going back home isn't an option due to a difficult family situation. HR told me it's my…

I'm an international engineering student doing a two-month voluntary internship at a Fortune 500 company. They promised a 10,000 monthly salary for voluntary interns, which is significantly higher than the 2,500 typically paid to compulsory interns. However, after the first month, I only received 2,500.

I reached out to HR, and they claimed they couldn't offer voluntary internships to foreign students. Despite showing evidence of the initial offer, they registered me as a compulsory intern. The HR person who promised to correct this situation left the company, and my salary issue remains unresolved.

Living in an expensive city on 2,500 is tough, and it's affecting my well-being. I've invested time in this company with hopes of future employment, which is essential as I need a job to stay in the country after graduation. Going back home isn't an option due to a difficult family situation.

HR told me it's my choice to accept the lower payment or escalate the issue, but I fear that escalating it might harm my chances of future employment. My friend thinks the company is unwilling to correct its mistake and is trying to intimidate me into accepting less. I need advice on how to handle this complex situation without jeopardizing my prospects with the company.

I need advice. I'm not in North America

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