
Master synonyms for boss

I do not like working for money. I would much rather help out. A friend needs someone to do a job don't give me any fucking money. I'll do it for free. IM BROKE THOUGH I HAVE NO MONEY. IM NOT A LAZY FUCK. I'm in decent shape I workout for about 2 hours like 3 days a week at the least 6 days a week at the most. I go to fucking work everyday. I don't have a habit of being late. While I must admit I am late sometimes maybe one or two minutes. I work hard my numbers are good. But lately I have been dragging ass. I do not mind working it's more of the working for money that doesn't sustain me. I'm 32 in a part time fucking job. No kids no wife I don't have shit. I'm divorced. Why am I working? Instead of…

I do not like working for money. I would much rather help out. A friend needs someone to do a job don't give me any fucking money. I'll do it for free. IM BROKE THOUGH I HAVE NO MONEY.

IM NOT A LAZY FUCK. I'm in decent shape I workout for about 2 hours like 3 days a week at the least 6 days a week at the most. I go to fucking work everyday. I don't have a habit of being late. While I must admit I am late sometimes maybe one or two minutes. I work hard my numbers are good. But lately I have been dragging ass. I do not mind working it's more of the working for money that doesn't sustain me. I'm 32 in a part time fucking job. No kids no wife I don't have shit. I'm divorced. Why am I working? Instead of blowing my head off I don't know. I
imagine little kid me riding passenger and thinking alright buddy this is for you!! That's all that keeps me going.

I work in a warehouse and I know this is normal for most workplaces. But, it is crazy to me that I have to ask for a day off. The word they use is request. Look up the synonyms for request AND RAGE WITH ME!!!! People overtime changed the words we use to seem more positive but pay attention to how your body feels when using certain words.

The fact that they can deny it. I asked for a day off and I watched my managers face. And he just looked pained to me giving me a day off. That's insane right? Like holy shit? What is the god damn issue. Like you aren't paying me bro I'm losing income taking this day off. Look up the synonyms for boss and manager. Please take a look.

Than I go to work and everyone notices if you took a day off. Everyone watches everyone else's numbers but theirs. To make sure everyone else is working. That's nuts right? Sometimes I ask my coworkers if they feel like a slave. And they always say no. Some don't answer. I stopped asking people this question because I realized they were getting distressed like they wanted to pretend that this isn't what it is.

I don't know what to do with my life anymore. If my existence is going to be based around making money and that's what I'm going to spend my life doing. I don't want to be here anymore.

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