
No work -> No money?

What’s your personal experience/relationship (to the degree you want to be open) with work and money? I quit the whole rat race. Wholesale. But my family is still financially involved though my parents are almost retired. They fear me a lot because they think my views are too extreme. I think they and everyone other than a select few are being constantly extorted and that life has gotten more expensive with products being worse quality and less diverse due to forcing makers out of the market and cornering damn near all resources. I also see things super simply in that if I live in a community it is actually my personal responsibility (see: able to respond) to share everything I have and my skill set with the community (and if there is someone or something harming me or others to seek support from the community and neighboring communities). Super simple.…

What’s your personal experience/relationship (to the degree you want to be open) with work and money?

I quit the whole rat race. Wholesale. But my family is still financially involved though my parents are almost retired. They fear me a lot because they think my views are too extreme. I think they and everyone other than a select few are being constantly extorted and that life has gotten more expensive with products being worse quality and less diverse due to forcing makers out of the market and cornering damn near all resources. I also see things super simply in that if I live in a community it is actually my personal responsibility (see: able to respond) to share everything I have and my skill set with the community (and if there is someone or something harming me or others to seek support from the community and neighboring communities). Super simple. I have $100, my roommate has $10, I share the money directly OR provide some needs (maybe cover an extra $90 on rent).

NOW. Our communities in suburban and urban areas are both packed in like sardines AND enculturated to be distant if not outright enemies. ALSO we have a pay to be alive culture where we expect ourselves and others to pay for all of our own individual existences down to carbon taxes for the air we breathe coming up soon.

So. My understanding and imperative is that we- or at least I- must abandon both money and work because work has been monetized as has most of life. I’m not opposed to, as some of us say, chop wood and carry water; I am opposed to and simply won’t sit down somewhere or do labor in exchange for bills or numbers on a screen in the hopes that it’s enough to buy the wood or the water while ALSO paying extortion on the wood and water… How are y’all faring with money in an anti work life?

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