
Help!Advise. I work for a school district in CA. Please lead me in the right direction.

My coworker with the same job title and same exact job duties doing the same exact thing as me is getting paid more. We both have a bachelor’s and pretty much the same amount of experience. We get raises on a yearly step increment basis. I was told everyone starts at step 1 no matter what, but my coworker was started at step 2. (With a different position lower than our current one) Then after her 3 month evaluation was moved to step 3. ( I was told the 3 month evaluation is only for probationary purposes and does not include a raise. ) At this point, she was getting paid more than me for a position lower than mine. When she moved to my position she got a $3 raise. At this point she is getting paid $4 more dollars than me an hour (which is nothing major) but…

My coworker with the same job title and same exact job duties doing the same exact thing as me is getting paid more.
We both have a bachelor’s and pretty much the same amount of experience.
We get raises on a yearly step increment basis. I was told everyone starts at step 1 no matter what, but my coworker was started at step 2. (With a different position lower than our current one) Then after her 3 month evaluation was moved to step 3. ( I was told the 3 month evaluation is only for probationary purposes and does not include a raise. )
At this point, she was getting paid more than me for a position lower than mine. When she moved to my position she got a $3 raise.
At this point she is getting paid $4 more dollars than me an hour (which is nothing major) but it still makes a difference and is just unfair as we are literally doing the same work.
I reached out to the director and he stated that the department does not increase wages once someone has started in their position. He said that they have to follow the contract and anniversary agreements stated which are yearly step increases. That is clearly not the case because my coworker has been with the district for one year and has already received multiple step increases. I will be reaching out to a union and see if they can lead me in the right direction. Does anyone have any advice on what I can do about this? Can I somehow make a claim with the equal pay act?
Im sure there are other people get paid more or less with the same education/experience as well.
Please advise.

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