
A story perhaps worthy of a place in the toxic workplace HoF?

We all know that hospitality is breeding ground for toxic workplaces. Obnoxious co-workers who you barely know at all but constantly overshare details from their private lives (and expect you to be interested in their meandering anecdotes). Conceited and inept douchebags who somehow get elevated to managerial positions. Trust me, this job has all these qualities. But I think you'll agree that this story (which is 100% true and contains no distortions or exaggerations) perhaps qualifies it for a place in the toxic workplace Hall of Fame. Back in May a member of the banquets department was fired. Not because of malfeasance or ineptitude on their part. No. The reason they were fired was because they witnessed the General Manager pouring beer into glasses reserved for use with soft drinks. When this team member tried to advise the GM of their mistake they received the following response: “Don't tell me…

We all know that hospitality is breeding ground for toxic workplaces. Obnoxious co-workers who you barely know at all but constantly overshare details from their private lives (and expect you to be interested in their meandering anecdotes).

Conceited and inept douchebags who somehow get elevated to managerial positions.

Trust me, this job has all these qualities. But I think you'll agree that this story (which is 100% true and contains no distortions or exaggerations) perhaps qualifies it for a place in the toxic workplace Hall of Fame.

Back in May a member of the banquets department was fired. Not because of malfeasance or ineptitude on their part.

No. The reason they were fired was because they witnessed the General Manager pouring beer into glasses reserved for use with soft drinks. When this team member tried to advise the GM of their mistake they received the following response: “Don't tell me how we do things here. I'm the General Manager.”

This unfortunate staff member was fired a few days later. In the midst of one of the toughest times economically in Australia in living memory.

Yeesh, am I right?

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