
Being in the office sucks

My job is currently hybrid, we only need to be in the office one day a week, the rest of the time we're WFH. I chose today to come in because I had to review some paper files. But figured it's a Thursday, it should be quiet. Boy was I wrong! There are like 30 people here and everyone is going around to everyone else and chit chatting. It's super distracting and annoying. The amount of work getting done is minimal for real. How is this a preferred work environment?

My job is currently hybrid, we only need to be in the office one day a week, the rest of the time we're WFH.

I chose today to come in because I had to review some paper files. But figured it's a Thursday, it should be quiet.

Boy was I wrong! There are like 30 people here and everyone is going around to everyone else and chit chatting. It's super distracting and annoying.

The amount of work getting done is minimal for real. How is this a preferred work environment?

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