
Health hazard due to high temperatures in the office

Hello everyone, I'm very concerned about something that happened yesterday at my workplace and I don't know how to proceed. Yesterday there was a severe weather alert for high temperatures in my area (heat index over 115 degrees), and the A/C units couldn't keep up (they even started shooting hot air from outside at one point). A lot of us were feeling dizzy. We have people with diabetes, people with asthma and people who are pregnant who weren't feeling well. However, and even though we have a hybrid schedule, they didn't allow us to go home to finish our workday there, saying that they had engineers on site and “its being worked on” After over two hours of it not being fixed (and the thermostat marking 83-85 degrees inside), our superiors said that “there's no direction from the higher ups saying we are allowed to go home” but that we…

Hello everyone, I'm very concerned about something that happened yesterday at my workplace and I don't know how to proceed.

Yesterday there was a severe weather alert for high temperatures in my area (heat index over 115 degrees), and the A/C units couldn't keep up (they even started shooting hot air from outside at one point). A lot of us were feeling dizzy. We have people with diabetes, people with asthma and people who are pregnant who weren't feeling well. However, and even though we have a hybrid schedule, they didn't allow us to go home to finish our workday there, saying that they had engineers on site and “its being worked on”

After over two hours of it not being fixed (and the thermostat marking 83-85 degrees inside), our superiors said that “there's no direction from the higher ups saying we are allowed to go home” but that we could use our sick time if we couldn't stay (something some people don't have left at this time of the year).

I don't know what to do because they are saying that today will be even worse and there's still no direction to work from home, they want us in office. Any advice?

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