
I’m a substitute teacher and I get paid less than some fast food places

I recently became a substitute teacher. It's my first “big girl job” and I was excited when it happened at first. I looked up how much they make and google told me around 15 an hour which I was extremely excited for because I moved in with my boyfriend recently and I'm going to have to help pay bills. Orientation came and they told us we would be making 70 dollars a day for a full day of work. The most I can make in a week is 350. But it's not always guaranteed there will be available jobs every day. I could only work 4 days this week and two of those days were only half days. My paycheck will be like 200 dollars for this week. I'm only going to make enough to barely get by. Living paycheck to paycheck. Im devastated. I don't know what to do…

I recently became a substitute teacher. It's my first “big girl job” and I was excited when it happened at first. I looked up how much they make and google told me around 15 an hour which I was extremely excited for because I moved in with my boyfriend recently and I'm going to have to help pay bills. Orientation came and they told us we would be making 70 dollars a day for a full day of work. The most I can make in a week is 350. But it's not always guaranteed there will be available jobs every day. I could only work 4 days this week and two of those days were only half days. My paycheck will be like 200 dollars for this week. I'm only going to make enough to barely get by. Living paycheck to paycheck. Im devastated. I don't know what to do anymore.

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