
HR don’t like my doc’s signature.

Last Thursday I started experiencing severe back and leg pain which made it impossible for me to stand up more than 2-3 minutes without being in excruciating pain. My doc thought it was a kidney infection, but it might be something else and I've improved over the week and he told me to wait a bit longer. So even though, my work place didn't ask for one, as a courtesy, for taking a week off, I asked my doc to give me a doctor's note. We all know doctors have crazy weird signatures right? Anyways, I send it to my manager who then sent it back to HR. My manager, really chill lady who does her best, calls me a couple days later saying that HR wants a different note because the signature looks different than the name of the doctor. So I'm already thinking that the person at HR…

Last Thursday I started experiencing severe back and leg pain which made it impossible for me to stand up more than 2-3 minutes without being in excruciating pain. My doc thought it was a kidney infection, but it might be something else and I've improved over the week and he told me to wait a bit longer. So even though, my work place didn't ask for one, as a courtesy, for taking a week off, I asked my doc to give me a doctor's note. We all know doctors have crazy weird signatures right? Anyways, I send it to my manager who then sent it back to HR. My manager, really chill lady who does her best, calls me a couple days later saying that HR wants a different note because the signature looks different than the name of the doctor. So I'm already thinking that the person at HR is dumb as a brick, but I call my doc's office anyways and explain the situation. They tell me (as expected) that if they made another note, the doc's signature will be the same and that the office number is on the note and that HR can call them to confirm if they need to verify that the note is legitimate. I tell all that to my manager who is acting as the in-between person between HR and me. She gets back to me the next day saying that the HR person said that that they can't call the office and wants a note that is signed “Justin” and not “Juliana” on it, not giving the last name for privacy. I told my manager I did everything I could and told them what the doc's office said and there is nothing more I can do. She apologized saying that it is frustrating for all parties involved. Seriously though, what else am I supposed to do? If I get fired over this stupid crap it will legitimately be the dumbest reason I ever left a job. I got some savings, I'll be okay. Anyways, just wanted to rant, I'm better but still in pain, and raging over the stupidity of some people.

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