
Former employer didn’t include promised PTO cash out on my last paycheck

I recently left a job that allows employees to cash out their remaining PTO balance when they leave the company. I had close to 50 unused hours when I left and I gave them much more than the required notice period before leaving. I am fuming right now. They shorted me by well over a grand. Can't say I'm surprised though. This company did all kinds of shady things when it came to finances and paying employees. Not sure what more I can do besides send a strongly worded email to their HR person and continue to harass them daily until I get the money.

I recently left a job that allows employees to cash out their remaining PTO balance when they leave the company. I had close to 50 unused hours when I left and I gave them much more than the required notice period before leaving.

I am fuming right now. They shorted me by well over a grand. Can't say I'm surprised though. This company did all kinds of shady things when it came to finances and paying employees. Not sure what more I can do besides send a strongly worded email to their HR person and continue to harass them daily until I get the money.

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