
My hours went from 35 to 9. I filed for unemployment and then got my hours back up to 25. That’s what it took?!?!?

I posted a post earlier asking for every ones help regarding the fact that my hours were cut down all the way to 9. I listened to everyone’s advice and filed for unemployment. I asked to speak to management and management met me saying I was cut hours because they felt like I was “leaving”. I never gave a two weeks notice or any indicators I was quitting soon. They just went ahead and cut my hours anyway. Manager tried manipulating me into feeling unemployment was only for “unemployed people”. Which, I’m currently underemployed so I have my right to file without being guilt tripped. After the the meeting they texted me saying they can only give 20-25 hours consistently from this point forward. Granted that’s a lot better than I was getting but my point is FUCK THIS PLACE. I feel like I had to beg for my hours…

I posted a post earlier asking for every ones help regarding the fact that my hours were cut down all the way to 9. I listened to everyone’s advice and filed for unemployment. I asked to speak to management and management met me saying I was cut hours because they felt like I was “leaving”. I never gave a two weeks notice or any indicators I was quitting soon. They just went ahead and cut my hours anyway. Manager tried manipulating me into feeling unemployment was only for “unemployed people”. Which, I’m currently underemployed so I have my right to file without being guilt tripped. After the the meeting they texted me saying they can only give 20-25 hours consistently from this point forward. Granted that’s a lot better than I was getting but my point is FUCK THIS PLACE. I feel like I had to beg for my hours back and financially struggle bc they were practicing unethical bs. I’m so done with employers getting away with this and know I deserve better.

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