
off my chest – I made secret recordings of my workplace bully

So yeah, I've been doing it for about a year. The job is largely remote and most meetings are online, so I just set up my personal laptop nearby to record the meetings. Now I have quite a collection of this person's awful behaviour. Snapping at me, nitpicking criticisms, lying, grossly eating and talking with their mouth full during meetings. And saying many, many stupid things. She is a literal moron. I started this for my own sanity, so I wouldn't have to doubt whether I'd mis-heard or mis-remembered the shit that happened. And no, I did not. It's honestly bizarre how often in a normal work discussion, she would just randomly flip out. Example: One time we were discussing a topic and some very technical question came up that I didn't know the answer to offhand, the bully pulled up one of MANY websites on the topic, I said…

So yeah, I've been doing it for about a year. The job is largely remote and most meetings are online, so I just set up my personal laptop nearby to record the meetings.

Now I have quite a collection of this person's awful behaviour. Snapping at me, nitpicking criticisms, lying, grossly eating and talking with their mouth full during meetings. And saying many, many stupid things. She is a literal moron.

I started this for my own sanity, so I wouldn't have to doubt whether I'd mis-heard or mis-remembered the shit that happened.

And no, I did not. It's honestly bizarre how often in a normal work discussion, she would just randomly flip out. Example: One time we were discussing a topic and some very technical question came up that I didn't know the answer to offhand, the bully pulled up one of MANY websites on the topic, I said I didn't know that site, I got my info from another site (that was very reliable), and she snapped “So this doesn't mean anything to you? It's of no importance?” When I started to answer that I didn't know the site so I didn't know what info it contained, she cut me off and said “Never mind.” in this disgusted, angry tone. Just not an appropriate way to deal with the situation. Also the site she pulled up didn't have that much actual info, it linked back to the site I had been using, and there was no answer to the question! The premise of the question was flawed. So I had done nothing wrong. She just chose to believe that there must be an answer and she tried to gotcha me about it.

I need to say why I think she has a problem with me. I'm definitely more technically skilled, experienced, professional, and conventionally attractive. I said what I said. I think she is jealous of all that. I know she has body image issues because that is one of the inappropriate topics she discusses at meetings (mentioning her “gut” and talking about her chin hairs – I swear this actually happened), and got really upset when I left my shared screen on the meeting screen for a long time so she ended up looking at her own face.

I might have to have one more online meeting with this person, next week. I'm going to make sure to look as pretty as I can, just to twist that fucking knife.

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