
Restaurant made me a dishwasher even though it wasn’t in the job description

So I thought I had a good story for this sub. A few years ago, as a broke 19 year old college student, I got a job as a “grill” person at Pollo Tropical. There was nothing about washing dishes in the job description. Turns out, I had to spend a few hours each night doing all the dishes and scraping every single grain of rice out of the tubs with my hands because they didn't have a dishwashing machine. Did the job for a few months, quit because the manager was crazy, then a month after I quit, they were closed down due to health violations LOL. Probably because I was the only person there that washed my fucking hands and didn't contaminate everything with raw meat juice lol. Or maybe it was because of that one time that I was carrying out a huge bag of trash to…

So I thought I had a good story for this sub. A few years ago, as a broke 19 year old college student, I got a job as a “grill” person at Pollo Tropical. There was nothing about washing dishes in the job description. Turns out, I had to spend a few hours each night doing all the dishes and scraping every single grain of rice out of the tubs with my hands because they didn't have a dishwashing machine. Did the job for a few months, quit because the manager was crazy, then a month after I quit, they were closed down due to health violations LOL. Probably because I was the only person there that washed my fucking hands and didn't contaminate everything with raw meat juice lol. Or maybe it was because of that one time that I was carrying out a huge bag of trash to the dumpster and it exploded and spilled 50 pounds of food on the ground outside the dumpster. Of course I didn't tell anybody, because they would have made me clean it up by hand. Not my fucking fault that they bought cheap ass garbage bags. So there may have been 50 pounds of rotting food in the parking lot LOL. Cheap ass owner got what they deserved. The building is now an Arby's, so I guess there was no coming back from the health violations.

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