
my father was just laid off after 26 years at his company

My father worked for a major telephone company let's call it….oh I don't know, BS&S. He devoted everything to them for 26 years of his life. For those 26 years he had been working remote for 24 years. He thought he was going to make it until retirement. He always talked about how great the company was. I tried to warn him that the company did not care and it was only a matter of time until they threw him out. But he alway denied it saying that was a millennialsl cop out for hard work. Today the reaper came, every single employee where my parents live (I live in another state) was told that they would be laid off unless they all moved to one of 3 main hubs that were out of state. This told me they are planning to shutter everything in the state. the call centers,…

My father worked for a major telephone company let's call it….oh I don't know, BS&S. He devoted everything to them for 26 years of his life. For those 26 years he had been working remote for 24 years. He thought he was going to make it until retirement. He always talked about how great the company was. I tried to warn him that the company did not care and it was only a matter of time until they threw him out. But he alway denied it saying that was a millennialsl cop out for hard work. Today the reaper came, every single employee where my parents live (I live in another state) was told that they would be laid off unless they all moved to one of 3 main hubs that were out of state. This told me they are planning to shutter everything in the state. the call centers, the data centers, even the business offices. 60,000 employees will now be basically competing for at most 20,000 spots. the math didn't work out for him and unfortunately he lost. he is to old to uproot and move but also not old enough to retire. I wanted to tell him “I told you so” but I knew now wasn't the time. I guess the only thing I can say is be ready alot of major companies will be using this “return to office/centralize” as a way to lay anyone and everyone off.

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