
Was worked so hard I had a psychologist say I was severely burnt out and I get a “thanks for everything”.

I was in a relatively high up role. Worked there for nearly a year and was made to do several things outside my job description while managing to beat the previous success metrics of my role and implemented new strategies to improve, plus gave training on those strategies to the global team. I also assisted the other executives with various random tasks which a high school graduate would know how to do. All while being paid 20k less than my coworker who was hired after me and who had the same skillset. Throughout my time there, my manager and I had a positive working relationship. I was considered her top employee. However, things took a turn when I submitted my one-month notice. This decision was influenced by an incident where she yelled at me for expressing concerns about taking on more tasks outside our department, plus I was dealing with…

I was in a relatively high up role. Worked there for nearly a year and was made to do several things outside my job description while managing to beat the previous success metrics of my role and implemented new strategies to improve, plus gave training on those strategies to the global team. I also assisted the other executives with various random tasks which a high school graduate would know how to do. All while being paid 20k less than my coworker who was hired after me and who had the same skillset.

Throughout my time there, my manager and I had a positive working relationship. I was considered her top employee. However, things took a turn when I submitted my one-month notice. This decision was influenced by an incident where she yelled at me for expressing concerns about taking on more tasks outside our department, plus I was dealing with burnout and suffering physical symptoms of anxiety for the first time in my life, though I cited different reasons for my resignation and kept friendly during the transition.

We were already understaffed, so I organised a thorough handover for my team, setting up my usual responsibilities in advance for the rest of the year.

I landed a new job with better benefits, remote work options, and a significant 35% pay increase.

My last week I hear nothing but more demands from my manager, yet several calls and messages from various employees around the country saying how grateful they were for everything I did. On my last day, I get a message saying my manager can’t make it in today but “thanks for everything!” and asks me to schedule eight tasks that arvo before I go because it would be too much work for the rest of the team once I’m gone.

I have worked at other companies where my role was not as high and was still treated way better when leaving. Some places really do think you’re just a number. I’m so happy to be free.

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