
Time off rejected same day I submitted it.

I submitted my time off request for 2 weeks a month in advance and my managers denied the same day saying that the new staff wouldn’t be trained by then (they have been training for about 2 months already) and they don’t want to fall behind because there won’t be coverage. However this entire week they have been saying how they are happy the team is caught up and that there is a lot of downtime. Yesterday they let me know that the two regions will be merging meaning that 2 more people will be doing what I’m doing…so there will be coverage. My coworker says I shouldn’t quit, that I should go on my trip and have them fire me. Im gonna go on my trip, but idk how I would even tell them that I’m going but I’m not quitting. What’s ironic is that earlier this year they…

I submitted my time off request for 2 weeks a month in advance and my managers denied the same day saying that the new staff wouldn’t be trained by then (they have been training for about 2 months already) and they don’t want to fall behind because there won’t be coverage.

However this entire week they have been saying how they are happy the team is caught up and that there is a lot of downtime. Yesterday they let me know that the two regions will be merging meaning that 2 more people will be doing what I’m doing…so there will be coverage.

My coworker says I shouldn’t quit, that I should go on my trip and have them fire me. Im gonna go on my trip, but idk how I would even tell them that I’m going but I’m not quitting.

What’s ironic is that earlier this year they approved my time off and we were really behind and understaffed. But now that we are caught up and have staff they say no? Make it make sense!

I’m mostly just venting, I’m over this job and have been looking around but it’s looking like I’ll be unemployed for a bit :/

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