
Partner got new job, now I rarely see him…

Does anyone else get some upset simply by the fact that you don't have time to spend with your friends and family anymore? My partner recently got a new job but it pays less than his old one by a mile and he has to essentially start the grind all over again with a new boss who wants to see him “perform well for the company.” He comes home every single night now with no energy, everything hurts on his body, and every story he has about work is just sad and depressing. We've always struggled financially but with things as expensive as they are, we don't even eat most nights and rarely have time to spend together. We both used to actually be homeless and managed to get out of the situation together. But weve both mentioned that life didn't necessarily get better for us now that we're off…

Does anyone else get some upset simply by the fact that you don't have time to spend with your friends and family anymore? My partner recently got a new job but it pays less than his old one by a mile and he has to essentially start the grind all over again with a new boss who wants to see him “perform well for the company.”

He comes home every single night now with no energy, everything hurts on his body, and every story he has about work is just sad and depressing. We've always struggled financially but with things as expensive as they are, we don't even eat most nights and rarely have time to spend together.

We both used to actually be homeless and managed to get out of the situation together. But weve both mentioned that life didn't necessarily get better for us now that we're off the streets. We argue a lot about finances, our landlord situation, medical issues, and it just makes us wonder “Is this really all life is?”

I work on the side and provide income with my landscaping business but it's still not enough to pay for anything after rent, utilities, gas, and food. Our fun activities usually include just going to the store and making dinner before bed. We both hate this life and wish there was something we could do to change it.

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