
Sign me up for shifts without notice

So to make a long story short this morning I go into work. My coworker greets me at the door and says “hey I wanted to thank you for picking up my shifts this Monday Tuesday and Wednesday I really appreciate it.” First off Monday and Tuesday are my usual days off. Second me and my spouse are down a vehicle so I’m using his daily for mornings and then he works nights. The shift my coworker is mentioning is the evening shift and my husband has the vehicle. I told her I don’t know what your talking about no one told me anything and I never said yes. She said “Are you sure?” Yes I’m sure I don’t even have a car or anyone to watch my kids for that matter I would never agree to that. She says well you better check with so and so. The whole…

So to make a long story short this morning I go into work. My coworker greets me at the door and says “hey I wanted to thank you for picking up my shifts this Monday Tuesday and Wednesday I really appreciate it.” First off Monday and Tuesday are my usual days off. Second me and my spouse are down a vehicle so I’m using his daily for mornings and then he works nights. The shift my coworker is mentioning is the evening shift and my husband has the vehicle. I told her I don’t know what your talking about no one told me anything and I never said yes. She said “Are you sure?” Yes I’m sure I don’t even have a car or anyone to watch my kids for that matter I would never agree to that. She says well you better check with so and so. The whole time I’m thinking someone better check with me or am I wrong?

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