
Graduated with a master and couldn’t even find an internship

Bit of a rant I'll admit, but honestly it's frustrating in the job market in the UK. I'm am international student who recently just graduated. With the stress of final project and finding new flat in London, my bleak career prospect only made things worse. I studied journalism, and damn what a terrible decision I made. I've saved money for years working as a freelancer just so I could come to this country and try to make contributions to the society being a journalist. And despite literally nobody's reading news or give a shit about journalism these days, I still believed in its value. What frustrated me the most is the industry is not open to new blood at all. Few internship positions (I'd even work for free just for the experience had it not been illegal to do so), years of experience required, stressful working environment, all just made…

Bit of a rant I'll admit, but honestly it's frustrating in the job market in the UK. I'm am international student who recently just graduated. With the stress of final project and finding new flat in London, my bleak career prospect only made things worse.

I studied journalism, and damn what a terrible decision I made. I've saved money for years working as a freelancer just so I could come to this country and try to make contributions to the society being a journalist. And despite literally nobody's reading news or give a shit about journalism these days, I still believed in its value.

What frustrated me the most is the industry is not open to new blood at all. Few internship positions (I'd even work for free just for the experience had it not been illegal to do so), years of experience required, stressful working environment, all just made me really regret spending all the time and money just to get ripped off.

Worst part is that it took a huge toll on mental health. I've been worried about my job prospects since day one I got here and have asked for a lot of career advice, but none of them was remotely useful. Trashy advice always goes to tell you to keep sending applications and work on your cover letter bullshit.

I think this also says a lot about job market overall. These c**t just want slaves to beg them for the job. Even if I do get the job as a journalist, the pay WILL be shit, and I'll be even more stressed. I don't even understand why I'm going down this path. Even more so, I'm confused why people of my generation even consider working anymore.

Honestly, I feel like giving up collectively and let the society goes to shit faster is the best we can do to show these f**kers a big stinky middle finger.

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