
Put in notice, got threatened.

So this is one part request for some manner of “repercussions” and one part absurdity. Throwaway for reasons including : This is ongoing. ——————————————————– The Setting: Boss DoucheCanoe is an owner and has had 40 years to inflate his ego over some half-intelligent decisions he made a lifetime ago. His brother is also my boss, but has one foot out the door – He is fairly reasonable but just wants things to work well so he can sail off into the sunset. Brother runs the business. DoucheCanoe has leeched off his family for decades and hasn't every learned humility. The Leadup: Against better judgement and no less than a dozen raised eyebrows from industry colleagues, I took a job under DoucheCanoe. I had personally never dealt with him, but knew the stories. The hours worked and helped fill out an otherwise piecemeal schedule. This was deliberately extra-part-time with the understanding…

So this is one part request for some manner of “repercussions” and one part absurdity.

Throwaway for reasons including : This is ongoing.


The Setting: Boss DoucheCanoe is an owner and has had 40 years to inflate his ego over some half-intelligent decisions he made a lifetime ago. His brother is also my boss, but has one foot out the door – He is fairly reasonable but just wants things to work well so he can sail off into the sunset. Brother runs the business. DoucheCanoe has leeched off his family for decades and hasn't every learned humility.

The Leadup: Against better judgement and no less than a dozen raised eyebrows from industry colleagues, I took a job under DoucheCanoe. I had personally never dealt with him, but knew the stories. The hours worked and helped fill out an otherwise piecemeal schedule. This was deliberately extra-part-time with the understanding that as schedules and needs changed, it may develop into a 20/30 hr/week “true” part time thing. Cue ~8 months later, I am averaging 10hr/week. averaging**. Some weeks are 3-5hrs, some are 20-ish. Sorta the nature of the beast, but this matters.

Over the last few months, I've branched out; Gotta pay that increasing rent. Little side projects are now starting to bear fruit and those 1-hr meetings are turning into 5/10/15 billable hours per week. I'm not about that hustle life, but if you want to work for yourself, then you gotta put in the work for it.

Today: DouchCanoe no-shows on a meeting he set up with me where I was going to submit my notice. Instead, I put in my 2-weeks notice via our Teams chat and outline exactly what projects I will be completing before I leave. BrotherBoss happens to be on a tarmac somewhere about to go on vacation. My bad. He asks if I can delay my notice till he gets back from vacation – wants to “talk it out”. #hahahno

Cue DoucheCanoe throwing an absolute shit fit in the Teams Chat.

Cue DoucheCanoe threatening to slander me to my industry colleagues. (I hold a regional industry leadership position, so empty threats are always the best threats)

Cue DoucheCanoe saying how he thought it should have been an honor to work for his company.

Cue DoucheCanoe saying that today's meeting was actually this Tuesday.

Cue DoucheCanoe arguing that “I thought you needed the extra hours”


So I know noone here is a lawyer, but I'm open to non-illegal suggestions or related anecdotes as to how to drag this Canoe through the mud as thoroughly as I can before I close the chapter on this one. I took screen-caps of the chats, just for safe keeping.

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