
TL;DR Feeling Grateful And Blessed To Be Able To Leave Customer Service

Like the title says I feel beyond grateful and blessed to leave customer service (posted awhile back but deleted some of my posts due to personal reasons and the attention it got and I am totally not against people who work customer service or feel that I am “above” it, just glad to be leaving it for my mental health). I am pursuing my Bachelor's now in Cybersecurity (I know a degree isn't the end all, be all, but it definitely helps and with the certifications I am pursuing as well I know it will help in the long run and most of my school is covered thank god). I am just beyond happy to not beg for retail, call center, fast food, etc. jobs where (due to my awkward, shy and geeky/clumsy personality with a very stupid sense of humor and my general personality) I literally get laughed at…

Like the title says I feel beyond grateful and blessed to leave customer service (posted awhile back but deleted some of my posts due to personal reasons and the attention it got and I am totally not against people who work customer service or feel that I am “above” it, just glad to be leaving it for my mental health).

I am pursuing my Bachelor's now in Cybersecurity (I know a degree isn't the end all, be all, but it definitely helps and with the certifications I am pursuing as well I know it will help in the long run and most of my school is covered thank god).

I am just beyond happy to not beg for retail, call center, fast food, etc. jobs where (due to my awkward, shy and geeky/clumsy personality with a very stupid sense of humor and my general personality) I literally get laughed at at those types of jobs (especially fast food/retail), told “we shouldn't have to tell you twice”, and generally dealing with clique behavior for the most part and pretty much treated like shit with a bunch of mean girls cornering me and like I am some sort of weirdo because I am not kissing their ass because they act like I am autistic when I just have social anxiety and make mistakes or getting treated like I am a peasant for a simple phone interview where I have to call them first to make an essay on why I deserve a job that has an unlivable wage with no benefits.

Before I decided to go to school I was literally begging for housekeeping jobs as well to where I had to plead for them to make me work where it turns out it was at least an hour away making pennies (not that I am above that at all but it's obviously difficult), and for experience I did some volunteer work (which I actually loved but within the 3 months I was there I got crazy, obsessive stalkers to the point to where I had to change my information online within the site I was helping people on) and other freelance jobs to where I literally got scammed and their account got shut down lol.

I know in the tech space (besides software development) you deal with customer service .. but even working in help desk is completely different (still sucks but is 1000x less worse than making a sandwich and getting mentally abused every 5 minutes), and in my experience the customers need you and are generally grateful (especially since they need you more than you need them) and of course managers/coworkers make or break the job usually (but that goes for a lot of places).

Anyway I am just grateful (working still sucks, 100%) but to be able to work on skills that will be able to have me work a job that pays more and sucks a bit less lol.

Sorry for the ramblings, just excited.




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