
I usually try to stay lowkey at work, but I organized a union group grievance (collected over 90% member signatures)… Have a meeting coming up with management.

The collective agreement wasn't being adhered to, everyone was complaining about it and I decided to organize a group grievance. The group grievance is demanding a very large chunk of change in retro pay. Our labor relations officer has been great. I am a lowly worker bee but I am going to be the worker representative for everyone. We have a meeting coming up with management in the next couple of weeks. Trying to play out all the scenarios in my head and what they will try to trip me up on. Ultimately, I believe in equitable pay for labour, adhering to collective agreements, and accountability for everyone (not just low level employees). Kinda nervous, kinda proud, worried about being the face of this and painting a bullseye on my head (I'm not making friends with management for sure lol)… But above all else, I want to slam dunk this…

The collective agreement wasn't being adhered to, everyone was complaining about it and I decided to organize a group grievance. The group grievance is demanding a very large chunk of change in retro pay.

Our labor relations officer has been great. I am a lowly worker bee but I am going to be the worker representative for everyone. We have a meeting coming up with management in the next couple of weeks. Trying to play out all the scenarios in my head and what they will try to trip me up on.

Ultimately, I believe in equitable pay for labour, adhering to collective agreements, and accountability for everyone (not just low level employees).

Kinda nervous, kinda proud, worried about being the face of this and painting a bullseye on my head (I'm not making friends with management for sure lol)… But above all else, I want to slam dunk this meeting and argue our case as strong as possible.

Any advice from people who have experience in these kind of meetings would be grand 🙂

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