
Is this a paradoxical relationship or not?

In my experience small businesses are usually the hardest on their employees. They often times require them to go above and beyond with their commitment and responsibilities,as well as the schedule flexibility and expectations. Small businesses inherently have a harder time because they need to compete with big corporations who have an easier time hiring and managing employees, covering shifts etc. If all businesses were expected to live up to high standards then small businesses will struggle the most to remain profitable and stay afloat. This essentially creates a situation where corporations are all that exist, having all the power and no competition. The higher the standards for low end employees we push for, the more wealth it pushes into the hands of big corporations, essentially creating a literal world of owners and slaves, as we all depend on corporations for a wage and starting your own business becomes less…

In my experience small businesses are usually the hardest on their employees. They often times require them to go above and beyond with their commitment and responsibilities,as well as the schedule flexibility and expectations.

Small businesses inherently have a harder time because they need to compete with big corporations who have an easier time hiring and managing employees, covering shifts etc. If all businesses were expected to live up to high standards then small businesses will struggle the most to remain profitable and stay afloat.

This essentially creates a situation where corporations are all that exist, having all the power and no competition. The higher the standards for low end employees we push for, the more wealth it pushes into the hands of big corporations, essentially creating a literal world of owners and slaves, as we all depend on corporations for a wage and starting your own business becomes less and less a realistic possibility.

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