
Before I quit I’d like to negotiate with my boss

So I told my boss I As going to quit in several months and although she accepted; she's becoming increasingly annoying and I feel like she's making my life a he'll for the upcoming months until I quit. I think my workplace can be negotiated so I'm thinking about asking these things; Am I correct to do so? 1) I don't want a salary increase; what I want is to do more or less the same hours( 40h/week) but in 3 or 3.5 days instead of 5 days. Because I work aways from my family; I would have more time to see them.. and more time for myself. 2) I'm not integrated within my team; all the team members with which I was in good terms have been fired for some reason or quit; and my supervisors never help in meaningful ways and always yell at me all the time…

So I told my boss I As going to quit in several months and although she accepted; she's becoming increasingly annoying and I feel like she's making my life a he'll for the upcoming months until I quit.
I think my workplace can be negotiated so I'm thinking about asking these things; Am I correct to do so?

1) I don't want a salary increase; what I want is to do more or less the same hours( 40h/week) but in 3 or 3.5 days instead of 5 days. Because I work aways from my family; I would have more time to see them.. and more time for myself.

2) I'm not integrated within my team; all the team members with which I was in good terms have been fired for some reason or quit; and my supervisors never help in meaningful ways and always yell at me all the time while they are best friends with my other colleagues( I think it's profoundly unprofessional): I wanted to negotiate to be less bullied/ignored/..etc ( but that's a bit crazy though)

3) I don't want to assist to every team meetings because I don't like the dynamics of it! So maybe once in a while.

4) I'd like to focus on working with my clients instead of doing paperwork. So I'd like to delegate part of the annoying paperwork to the secretaries so that I can focus on What really matters!

5) For the annoying time consuming paperwork; I'd like to take a percentage of the money my workplace get for every paperwork done by myself( we do expertise work and we ask 1000 to 2000 dollars per paper; it takes a lot of time and energy; I suspect that some colleagues who hate me already have that benefit; but it's not transparently talked about… I believe we need to be paid extra for the extra paperwork)

6) Being paid in days or money for the extra hours we do..

7) More meaningful feedback: I've been in the managerial position for 2 years now but I never got any meaningful feedback. The supervisors and bosses only talk about what's wrong; never praise; never empower or straight up are divisive. I get that they don't want any power to go to the junior managers… but we basically do everything!

The idea is to continue working with the clients I have; and quitting in a gentle way… with less days worked. I don't mind working very long hours… as long as I can chill afterwards the rest of the week! Thoughts?

Basically: I'd like to write an e-mail with suggestions to make my work better and easier; and meaningful. And then ask for a meet up to talk about it. The job is already wellpaid; but I want to work as many hours and less days while having to see less my annoying colleagues and supervisors and doing less annoying paperwork.

Am I being assertive enough or I'm completely out of my mind? If these adaptations are not done.. I'm not even sure if I'll be able to stay any longer…

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