
Is It Reasonable For Me To Be Annoyed By This?

Hey! I’m going to make this as quick as possible because I’m actually getting ready to go to work as I’m typing this… But I want to know if this would annoy anybody else or if I’m being completely unreasonable. I am a 29-year-old student (I went back to school to finish up my bachelors a little bit later than I would’ve liked to) and I am supposed to be put down as a part-time worker. I’m not going to lie, my job is very good at working with my school schedule, because in the grand scheme of things they could just fire me and find somebody who works the exact hours that they want… So I feel like I can’t complain too much. My issue is I gave them my school schedule over a month ago before the new semester starts… my availability is that I am open completely…

Hey! I’m going to make this as quick as possible because I’m actually getting ready to go to work as I’m typing this… But I want to know if this would annoy anybody else or if I’m being completely unreasonable.

I am a 29-year-old student (I went back to school to finish up my bachelors a little bit later than I would’ve liked to) and I am supposed to be put down as a part-time worker.

I’m not going to lie, my job is very good at working with my school schedule, because in the grand scheme of things they could just fire me and find somebody who works the exact hours that they want… So I feel like I can’t complain too much. My issue is I gave them my school schedule over a month ago before the new semester starts… my availability is that I am open completely on Mondays thinking that that would be our usual like 9 to 5 or 8 to 6 type of schedule. Tuesdays and Thursdays I can work five hours in the afternoon and Wednesday’s I can open and work until 130. Come to find out that due to them being shortstaffed they need me to work 12 hours on Monday. I am now going to be working 9 to 9 on Mondays when I have class at 8:30 AM on Tuesdays… I also commute 30 minutes to school.

Basically, I am just slightly annoyed that they put me on for a 12 hour shift on Mondays when I have class early the following day. I feel like I am being a little bit unreasonable because the rest of the week I work 5 to 6 hours during those days I work and I am off on Fridays due to school as well. I guess I just figured that any other job I’ve worked at that was part time I never was put on for a 12 hour shift. Would this annoy anybody else or would you not mind since you do less hours on the other days and are off on Friday?

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