
Just Quit Toxic Job

I just quit my toxic job at a small law firm run by a attorney husband and his paralegal wife. They were very rude, and caused me a lot of anxiety. He would cut me off when speaking, make me and my coworker feel stupid for little mistakes, and would create a sense of competition between me and my coworker. It was like a survival of the fittest to see who wouldnt get yelled at that day. His wife was also horrible. I emailed my resignation letter last Thursday saying I can’t mentally handle it anymore, and today when I went in he was visibly upset and said I gave my resignation at the worst time with 2 weeks notice and no one to replace me. He barely let me get a word in and told me to give my things in and go home. Yes, the firm is busy…

I just quit my toxic job at a small law firm run by a attorney husband and his paralegal wife. They were very rude, and caused me a lot of anxiety. He would cut me off when speaking, make me and my coworker feel stupid for little mistakes, and would create a sense of competition between me and my coworker. It was like a survival of the fittest to see who wouldnt get yelled at that day. His wife was also horrible.

I emailed my resignation letter last Thursday saying I can’t mentally handle it anymore, and today when I went in he was visibly upset and said I gave my resignation at the worst time with 2 weeks notice and no one to replace me. He barely let me get a word in and told me to give my things in and go home.

Yes, the firm is busy right now but maybe he should’ve treated us with more respect. I had anxiety everyday working there and feared being yelled at by him or be subject to his wife’s rude comments. I don’t feel bad for him, and him asking me to leave like that shows his true colors. I’m a good worker, and would go in early everyday ready to learn. I didn’t even have to give 2 weeks notice, and still did and he still made me feel bad about it. I don’t care anymore. I’m free.

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